Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hallasan Seongpanak (한라산 성판악)

Seongpanak is one of the parasitic volcanoes on Jeju-do island. Parasitic volcanoes are smaller volcanoes formed by lava bursting through the edge of the main volacano, and there are over 350 on Jeju-do Island. Seongpanak is 1,215m high and situated between Jocheon-eup, Bukjeju-gun and Namwon-eup, Namjeju-gun. The name came from the shape of the vertical cliff that spreads roughly 500 meters outward and resembles a fortress (seong) made of wooden boards (pan). 

With its thick verdant forest, Seongpanak has a unique atmosphere all year around. The road here is clear and wide, but a bit uncomfortable to walk because of many rocks. The azaleas create a pink blanket in the spring, and blends well with the clear waterfall in the area.

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