Monday, March 24, 2014

Lotte World Folk Museum (롯데월드 민속박물관)

The Lotte World Folk Museum is a place where one can learn a great deal more of Korea's rich 5000-year-history. It was designed for both foreigners and Koreans alike to easily learn and enjoy Korean culture and history. One of the museum's more appealing characteristics is that it uses animation and smaller scale models to better illustrate various aspects of Korea's past. This makes learning much more enjoyable for visitors. 

It has restored several important cultural assets and features daily traditional music and dance performances. There are also many corners where the audiences can participate together. There is a traditional marriage ceremony vestibule where the bride and groom may marry one another according to the traditional marriage decorum. Perhaps if you are lucky you might participate in one yourself. 

The most important exhibit hall at Lotte World Folk museum is the history exhibition hall. Starting from the entrance you are able to meet the landscape and folk paintings. On the ceiling of the audiovisual room, pictures of the map of Korean Peninsula, crater of Mt. Baekdusan, and the galaxy unfold before your eyes. Through this multi-vision technique you are able to observe Korean traditional performances. 

Along past the entrance and the multi-vision room you enter the prehistoric ages. The prehistoric ages room presents a tyrannosaurus model roughly half its original size. You may be able to take a peek at the Stone Age life by looking at the relics of that time such as a dinosaur’s egg, fossil and dinosaur animation. It will be hard for those to walk away from the prehistoric age room if you are interested in those things. However, many other exciting places await you. At the model village you will be able to view the life styles and diverse customs of the Joseon dynasty. 

At Imjinwaeran Hall you will be able to view through advanced visual technology, the magic vision, simulating the fighting scenes of General Yi Sun-Sin that took place during that time. It will feel as if you were right there when the war took place. At the Folk Playground, the weapons and instruments of the Joseon Dynasty (1392~1910) are exhibited. There are models of the villages of Korean ancestors as well. You will marvel at the amusing and colorful miniatures. 

The features of a ritual of exorcism in a shaman’s house are produced through an operation model. Also features of children reading the Chunjamun (thousand character text) at a Joseon Age Sodang (village school), and villagers making wishes at the tutelary deity shrine is also on display.

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