Monday, March 24, 2014

Hanbok Museum (이리자 한복전시관)

The Hanbok Museum is located across the street from Gyeongbokgung Palace main entrance ticketing booth. For this reason, it makes sense for anyone who has just completed looking around the palace to drop by this place as well to get a look at the traditional Korean clothes, if time permits. The museum only opens on the first and the third Saturday of every month, so make sure you plan your trip accordingly. The Hankbok Museum is not just a museum highlighting traditional Korean clothing, but rather it boasts all the events and the rituals people go through from birth to death, and what proper clothing they have to wear to suit their respective occasions. All hanbok displayed at the museum are created by the hanbok designer Lee Ri-Ja herself, made with care and great attention to detail. All together there are roughly 300 varieties on display, and some are practical enough to be worn for daily living now. Besides hanbok, there are also ornaments and other small articles on display. You will fall in love with many of the beautiful ornaments you see. Once you have visited Gyeongbokgung Palace and Hanbok Museum, try visiting Gwanghwa-mun or Insa-dong. At Gwanghwa-mun, you can enjoy different kinds of modern Korean cultural activities, and at Insa-dong, you can experience traditional Korean art and culture.

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