Monday, March 24, 2014

Museum of Traditional Korean Music (국립국악박물관)

The Museum of Traditional Music(Gugak) opened in 1995, and is located inside the National Center for Traditional Korean Performing Arts. Everything about traditional Korean music is exhibited here. Step into the central hall on the 1st floor where you will feel calm when you see the carefully preserved traditional instruments in glass cases. You will see the Pyeonjong (gold bell), and the Pyeongyeong (stone percussion instrument), and various types of drums, which were instruments played in royal courts and memorial services. While listening to the soothing traditional music, try going to the Traditional Music History Hall. There are about 70 exhibits there. You will see portrait of the old musician Bak Yeon and find many other pictures describing the performance of traditional music. At the Instrument Exhibit Hall you can see the instruments that were played in traditional Korean music. In this exhibit hall there are North Korean and foreign instruments. You can also watch visual material of performances. The Myeonginsil is where the possessions of important artists are exhibited. You can see their instruments, books, glasses, etc.

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